HomeFaqja Kryesore

QPLAN-INE is a network center where different type of experts combine, exchange and produce synergies through their distinguished know-how and experiences. At the end they build Excellence for the Clients with the Clients. Processes identifications, interconnections & continuous improvements, Process performances control & management, Personnel competences trainings & evaluations. QPLAN-INE experienced senior consultants support you in this task, specifically in the domains quality management, food, health & environment safety management as consultant, interim manager – or in a combination of both.QPLAN-INE eshte nje qender ku eksperte profesioniste ofrojne, shkembejne dhe prodhojne sinergji me ane te nderthurjes se know-how dhe eksperiencave te tyre te spikatura. Ata ndertojneEkselencen per Klientet me klientet.

Identifikimi, Nderlidhja dhe Permiresimi i vazhdueshem i Proceseve, Kontrolli dhe Menaxhimi i performances se tyre, Vleresimi i Kompetences dhe i Trajnimit te personelit. Konsulentet me eksperience te QPLAN-INE jane mbeshtesit tuaj ne gjithe kete game aktivitetesh, vecanerisht ne fushat e Menaxhimit te Cilesise, Menaxhimit te Sigurise Ushqimore, Menaxhimit te Sigurise se Shendetit dhe Mjedisit si Konsulente te Jashtem apo te Brendshem – ose si kombinim i te dyjave.