FUNDING PROGRAMMESProgramet e Financimit

  • Analysis and recording of the existing situation of the Organisation / Enterprise, its current and future needs and its potential development plans (investment and/or research).
  • Overall briefing of the Organisation / Enterprise about the overall funding opportunities (national and European) that is able to participate accompanied with the type and the extent of the subsidies that can receive by each of them.
  • Selection of the most suitable funding programmes, that best fit to the investment and/or research plans of the Organisation / Enterprise.
  • Detailed briefing of the Organisation / Enterprise about the total engagements and obligations that does involve his participation in the respective funding programmes.
  • Full support to the Organisation / Enterprise in the proper planning and in the preparation of the respective proposals studies, according to the exact characteristics and requirements of each funding programme targeting to the highest evaluation outcome and the approval of the proposed investment plan and / or research project.
  • Permanent follow-up of the course of evaluation of the submitted proposals-studies and on time submission of all the on demand clarifications and/or additional elements in case where they are asked by the management authority and/or evaluation committee of the respective programmes.
  • High quality management and monitoring of the approved projects targeting to the smooth and unhindered implementation of work and the on time reception of the public funding (on time submission of all the required administrative management and monitoring forms, guidance to the Organisation / Enterprise about the implementation requirements of the approved work, constant briefing of its departments and executives regarding reporting requirements and obligations e.g. accounting department, legal advisor, etc, and the on time and proper fulfilment of all the obligations that results from company’s participation in the specific funding programmes.

  • Analizimi dhe raportimi i gjendjes ekzistuese te Organizates / Nderrmarrjes, gjendja e tanishme dhe nevojat e saj ne te ardhmen si dhe mundesite e zhvillimit te planeve te saj (e investimeve dhe / ose kerkimi).
  • Udhezime dhe informim i Organizates / Kompanise rreth te gjitha mundesive te financimit te pergjithshem (kombetare dhe evropiane) dhe aftesine e saje qe te marri pjese dhe te perfitoje nga llojet dhe nivelet e secilit perej subvencioneve .
  • Perzgjedhja me e pershtatshme e programevete te financimit dhe qe i pershtatet me se miri per investimet dhe / ose kerkimet e planeve te Organizates / Kompanise.
  • Informimi i detajuar i Organizates / Kompanis ne teresi rreth angazhimeve dhe detyrimeve qe e ben te perfshihet ne pjesemarrjen e saj ne financimin e programeve respektive.
  • Mbeshtetje te plote per Organizaten / Kompanine ne planifikimin e duhur dhe ne pergatitjen e projekt-studimeve perkatese, sipas karakteristikave te sakta dhe kerkesave te �do financimi te synuar te programit ne rezultatin e vlersimeve me te larta dhe miratimin e planit te propozuar te investimit dhe / ose hulumtimit.
  • Vazhdimin e perhereshem te kursit te vleresimit te projrkt-studimeve te paraqitura dhe te kohes se dorezimit te te gjitha sqarimeve mbi kerkesen dhe / ose elementet shtese ne rastet kur ato jane te kerkuara nga autoriteti i menaxhimit dhe / ose te komisionit te vleresimit te programeve respektive.
  • Menaxhimin dhe monitorimin cilesor te projekteve te aprovuara qe synojne ne zbatimine qete dhe te papenguar te punes dhe kohes ne pritje te financimit publik (ne kohen e dorezimit te te gjitha kerkesace administrative dhe formave e menaxhimit dhe monitorimit, orientimin e pasurive te Organizates / Kompanis ne lidhje me zbatimin kushteve te miratuara te punes, informimin e vazhdueshem te departamenteve te saj ne lidhje me kerkesat e raportimit dhe detyrimet – departamentit te kontabilitetit, keshilltar ligjor, etj, ne kohe te duhur dhe permbushjen e te gjitha detyrimeve qe qe vijne nga pjesmarrja ne programet e financimit.