Decision Support SystemsSistemet e Mbeshtetjes ne Marrjen e Vendimeve

In order to satisfy the needs of the modern enterprise domain, Q-PLAN has deployed the Operational Research & Statistics Department.


The Operational Research & Statistics Department of Q-Plan provides integrated Decision Support Solutions aiming at the effective confrontation of the increased complexity found in the processes of today’s business sector.


In order to meet this goal, Q-PLAN is providing the following services:

  • Operational Research & Optimization
  • Statistic Analysis & Data Mining
  • Design & Development of Decision Support Software
  • Design & Development of Decision Support Software
  • Based on scientific knowledge and expertiseBased on scientific knowledge and expertise in Applied Mathematics and with the support of the computational speed of modern technology, Q-PLAN is implementing Decision Support methods resulting in the optimum planning of processes in an enterprise without changing their underlying pattern. The direct effects of Decision Support Systems are profit maximization and cost minimization in the day-to-day operation of an enterprise resulting in significant increase of its competitiveness.

    Indicative applications of Decision Support Systems are the following:

  • Optimum Production Planning
  • Optimum Supply Chain Design
  • Optimum Supply Chain Management
  • ptimum Transportation Management System
  • Material Requirement Planning
  • Optimum Replacement Planning
  • Maximum Campaign Profitability – Campaign Cost Minimization
  • Optimum Shift Planning
  • Optimum Job-Shop Scheduling
  • Queuing Systems
  • Operational Research and Optimization belong to the field of Applied Mathematics. They provide the necessary methods for modeling complex business processes with the aim of optimizing the decision parameters in the corresponding procedures. The result is the increase in the quality of products and services and finally the maximization of the profit produced by all the activities of an organization.

    Q-PLAN develops Operational Research & Optimization applications based on the Xpress-MP Suite of mathematical modeling and optimization tools developed by DASH optimization.
    DASH optimization presents vast experience in developing optimization software and their solutions have been applied in a long list of enterprises, industries and organizations worldwide.
    Statistics provide the most powerful modeling and analysis tools of large data bases (Data Mining). The corresponding methods are capable of predicting the evolution of time-series of transaction and production data of an enterprise. Cross-selling and Up-selling models can also be developed through numerical classification of the customer base. Statistics & Data Mining techniques provide a significant competitive advantage in a modern enterprise through risk minimization in critical business decisions.
    In order to meet these goals, Q-PLAN is applying state-of-the-art Optimization & Data Mining methodologies – very often in parallel. Q-PLAN presents expertise in the application of the following numerical methods:

  • Linear Programming
  • Evolutionary Algorithms
  • Mixed Integer Programming
  • Tabu Search
  • Ant Systems
  • Constraint Programming
  • Linear & Non-linear Regression
  • Generalized Linear Models
  • Survival Analysis
  • Neural Networks
  • Decision Trees
  • Time Series Analysis
  • The implementation of the corresponding numerical methods required for the modeling, the analysis and finally the optimization of business processes is realized through the use of specialized software.

    Q-Plan designs Decision Support Software, ensures the compatibility with the existing IT infrastructure and develops integrated solutions in co-operation with some of the world’s most outstanding Decision Support Systems developers.

    The scientific expertise of Q-Plan’s Decision Support Department, in combination with the technological expertise and experience of our partners, guarantee the successful choice of solutions as well as their detailed parameterization in order to meet the exact needs of our clients.

    Contact us for more information or to arrange a presentation of Decision Support Systems that match your company’s profile.

In order to satisfy the needs of the modern enterprise domain, Q-PLAN has deployed the Operational Research & Statistics Department.


The Operational Research & Statistics Department of Q-Plan provides integrated Decision Support Solutions aiming at the effective confrontation of the increased complexity found in the processes of today’s business sector.


In order to meet this goal, Q-PLAN is providing the following services:

  • Operational Research & Optimization
  • Statistic Analysis & Data Mining
  • Design & Development of Decision Support Software
  • Design & Development of Decision Support Software
  • Based on scientific knowledge and expertiseBased on scientific knowledge and expertise in Applied Mathematics and with the support of the computational speed of modern technology, Q-PLAN is implementing Decision Support methods resulting in the optimum planning of processes in an enterprise without changing their underlying pattern. The direct effects of Decision Support Systems are profit maximization and cost minimization in the day-to-day operation of an enterprise resulting in significant increase of its competitiveness.

    Indicative applications of Decision Support Systems are the following:

  • Optimum Production Planning
  • Optimum Supply Chain Design
  • Optimum Supply Chain Management
  • ptimum Transportation Management System
  • Material Requirement Planning
  • Optimum Replacement Planning
  • Maximum Campaign Profitability – Campaign Cost Minimization
  • Optimum Shift Planning
  • Optimum Job-Shop Scheduling
  • Queuing Systems
  • Operational Research and Optimization belong to the field of Applied Mathematics. They provide the necessary methods for modeling complex business processes with the aim of optimizing the decision parameters in the corresponding procedures. The result is the increase in the quality of products and services and finally the maximization of the profit produced by all the activities of an organization.

    Q-PLAN develops Operational Research & Optimization applications based on the Xpress-MP Suite of mathematical modeling and optimization tools developed by DASH optimization.
    DASH optimization presents vast experience in developing optimization software and their solutions have been applied in a long list of enterprises, industries and organizations worldwide.
    Statistics provide the most powerful modeling and analysis tools of large data bases (Data Mining). The corresponding methods are capable of predicting the evolution of time-series of transaction and production data of an enterprise. Cross-selling and Up-selling models can also be developed through numerical classification of the customer base. Statistics & Data Mining techniques provide a significant competitive advantage in a modern enterprise through risk minimization in critical business decisions.
    In order to meet these goals, Q-PLAN is applying state-of-the-art Optimization & Data Mining methodologies – very often in parallel. Q-PLAN presents expertise in the application of the following numerical methods:

  • Linear Programming
  • Evolutionary Algorithms
  • Mixed Integer Programming
  • Tabu Search
  • Ant Systems
  • Constraint Programming
  • Linear & Non-linear Regression
  • Generalized Linear Models
  • Survival Analysis
  • Neural Networks
  • Decision Trees
  • Time Series Analysis
  • The implementation of the corresponding numerical methods required for the modeling, the analysis and finally the optimization of business processes is realized through the use of specialized software.

    Q-Plan designs Decision Support Software, ensures the compatibility with the existing IT infrastructure and develops integrated solutions in co-operation with some of the world’s most outstanding Decision Support Systems developers.

    The scientific expertise of Q-Plan’s Decision Support Department, in combination with the technological expertise and experience of our partners, guarantee the successful choice of solutions as well as their detailed parameterization in order to meet the exact needs of our clients.

    Contact us for more information or to arrange a presentation of Decision Support Systems that match your company’s profile.